Python Engineer Careers
Now Hiring Python Engineers
Exact details are dependent on the project, but they usually:
- Consist of few developers for a 1 - 3 month long project
- Use Python web frameworks (Django, Flask, Pyramid), MySQL, and Nginx
Developers we're looking for
- Think positively about learning and using the latest technologies
- Are enthusiastic about their work
- Can work in a team
- Write documentation, share information, and give occasional presentations
Required Experience and Knowledge
- At least 3 months of programming experience in Python
- At least 1 year of experience in web application development
- Fundamental understandings of web security (XSS, CSRF etc..)
- Fundamental knowledge of the unix command line
- Ability to communicate in Japanese with co-workers while developing
Desired Knowledge and Experience
- Developing medium to large web services (10's of users to - 100's of thousands of users)
- Developing web applications with a python web framework (Django/Flask/Pyramid)
- Experience planning and implementing web APIs and an understanding of REST
- Operating AWS products
- Working with multiple developers using a version control system such as Git, Mercurial, Subversion
- Performance Tuning (SQL optimization, MySQL parameter tweaking)
- Experience with GAE (Google App Engine) development and operation
- A blog or other sites talking about technology
- Public code on GitHub/GitLab etc.
- Knowledge of Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
- Experience developing with a bug tracking system such as GitHub, Redmine, Jira etc..)
- Salary is paid on the 10th of each month. (e.g. 3/1 - 3/31's salary is paid on 4/10)
- Payment schedule: Salary is divided evenly by 12 and paid each month, excludes bonuses
- Payment for all commuting costs
- Health and Social Insurance (Kanto IT Software)
- Fiscal Year End Bonus: A portion of the year's profit from company activities will be divided equally amongst employees (including executives) and be paid as a bonus at the end of July
- BPContinue: ¥150,000 if a project continues for 1 year and a ¥75,000 bonus each 6 months after
- BPBP (BeProud Book Purchase): Reimburse up to ¥5,000 each month for books related to work
- Member++: If you introduce someone and they're hired as a regular employee, you'll receive a ¥150,000 bonus after they complete 6 months on the job
Working hours
- 7.5 hour working days (45 min. break, can extend your break if you adjust your ending time)
- Start when you like between 8:00 - 9:30
- Includes up to 40 hours of overtime per month
- Purpose: Simplify management of working hours
- Removes the headache of applying and managing OT forms
- Without including some overtime it would be extremely important to control if/when OT is worked. The extra overhead of managing OT would make working hours tight
- Included OT is calculated at 2 hours / day, but the majority of people stop work within 30 minutes to an hour of schedule
Remote Work
- Work wherever you want. No limit on the number of remote days
- Requires consensus with your project team
Paid Time Off
- PTO Allotment
- Whichever come first: 3 months after joining the company, 4/1, or upon completion of your trail period if it overlaps with April 1st
- 10 days off in your first year
- Possible to use PTO before official allotment
- Use PTO hourly (max 40 hours per year)
Extra Leave
- Childcare nursing leave (5 days per child, max 10 days / year)
- Nursing leave (5 days / year)
- Menstrual leave (2 days / month)
- Special holidays and extra holidays
- Summer vacation (3 days): Take off 3 days off whenever you'd like between 6/1〜10/31
- Meet up attendance fee assistance
- Yearly flu shots
- Influenza sick leave
- In office massage (twice a month)